I've read a bit of Rihito in the special stories as well, and he's pretty intriguing as he's younger than the MC and was mistaken for a girl as a child by the MC.
I don't think I even finished his route when it was free tbh. Ryuzo also had mixed signals too, so much I was so bored with his route, despite his type of character, the brash kind older brother type. MC has so many mixed signals to work off here, which does get better in later stories. The majority of Ichigo's story arc is based on his angst about his future as a pastry chef and inheriting his father's shop, which unfortunately means that the romance is more lacking than I would have liked. It takes quite a bit for the MC to break though, and for the romance to actually progress.

He's a tsundere, and more angsty and closed off than the others.

Ichigo is the most popular despite the fact he's not quite the poster boy (perfect ace Haruki seems to be) he definitely features more than the others. I've read the main stories of Ichigo and Ryuzo when they were free, and bought Haruki based on his presence in Ichigo's route. It's really slice of life and rather grounded, with an emphasis on personal relationships family, friends and lover. The great thing about this title is the fact that the story actually goes all the way from high school romance to the wedding, spanning more than 10 years, and the sprites change as well. I like the MC here too, but she's an everyday sort of girl who is a bit tomboyish and stubborn. In this case though, the childhood friendship is centered on the elementary school period, which is shown in frequent flashbacks in the stories (it is super adorable). I do love the concept though it's like a high school version of My Last First Kiss, where everyone is your childhood friend. Dreamy Days in West Tokyo is another older title, and it does show in the writing, which is rather simple and unadorned.